Students & House Staff
Welcome to The Department of Medicine’s Education division. Here, we are proud to host a wide range of opportunities to provide physicians and providers alike with world-class experience and high-quality medical expertise. Our ultimate goal is to ensure our medical students achieve the highest level of education possible through hands-on learning and thorough biomedical research.
Our Vice Chair for Education works closely with our medical students to ensure they achieve their goals. The role of the Vice Chair for Education is to oversee our medical students and house staff programs, working closely with our Clerkship and Program leadership teams, respectively. Whether one of our own or an outside rotator (observer or extern), we endeavor to create an environment, through clinical, didactic, and simulated means, that provides a world-class experience for both learners and teachers.
Learn more about our Education Department and its opportunities below:
- Medical Student Clerkship
- College of Medicine
- Medicine Electives
- Observership
- Internal Medicine Residency
- Fellowships
- Calendar of Didactics
If you have questions about the educational opportunities at Upstate Medical University within the College of Medicine, we encourage you to reach out to the Norton College of Medicine at (315) 464-4750. One of our dedicated team members will be happy to speak with you over the phone and answer any questions you may have about our programs.